mew lake
algonquin provincial park

Algonquin Park Hiking & Biking Trails

Algonquin Park is full of fantastic hiking and biking trails with the Old Railway Bike Trail beginning right near the Mew Lake campground. You can rent a bike and helmet at the Two Rivers Store.

To see the location of hiking and biking trails across Algonquin Park, please view our Algonquin Park map.

The variety in the hiking trails is quite incredible. There's something for everyone. That said, the best hiking trail in Algonquin Park (according to this camper) is Booth's Rock.

Booth's Rock hiking trail

Booth's Rock offers a little bit of everything - all in one 40.5 km trail. Estimates have it taking 2 hours to complete, with the effort required listed as "moderate". It is located along Rock Lake (and the Rock Lake campground - approximately a 30 minute drive from Mew Lake campground). The trail begins in a forested area eventually sneaking up along side of a small lake. Following that, the slow incline begins, with a fantastic lookout being the eventual reward. This is the perfect place to enjoy a snack or lunch - on the rocks overlooking the lake and forest. From there, the descent takes you to lakeside again (a different lake), with the Barclay Estate remains located along side. An abandoned railway track takes you back to the parking lot from there.

Yes, depending on the time of year, there may be parts of the trail that are a bit water logged (i.e. muddy) and you may have to improvise a bit to get past those sections. So, show up to the trail expecting to possibly get a bit dirty and maybe a bit wet. Regardless, it's worth hiking!

Algonquin Park - Booth's Rock hiking trail

Algonquin Park forest   Lake along Booth's Rock trail at Algonquin Park

Alqonquin Park forest   Alqonquin Park hiking trail

Lookout over lake - Booth's Rock trail   Wooden staircase descent on Booth's Rock trail

Along Booth's Rock trail

Booth's Rock trail - abandoned railway